Thursday, September 9, 2010

Line :)

These are the photos I took for my photography project over the subject of line:

I like how the lines in the keyboard are leading the eye straight to the computer, which is the main subject of the photo.

In this photo i like how the sides of the slide stand out in the photo which lead the eye to the top of the slide. What adds to it even more is how the top splits off into symmetrical stairways.

This is probably my favorite photo mostly because it was taken on accident haha. I was in town with my friend who is also in the class and apparently she decided to take the same picture I was trying to take and stopped right in front of me which caused her to be in part of the picture. I like how the line works backwards in this photo because you can still tell what the main subject of the photo is even though that is where the line is coming from instead of leading to.

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